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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dads Strange Eating Habits

Tonight when we were cooking dinner with dad (Bacon and eggs) and the food was done, he asked me to get 4 "spoons"... what!? Well I didn't really mind spoons but it was a bit strange, my eldest brother Ynte even went and got a fork. For desert we were all having frozen yogurt sticks form aldi and dad got us some "forks".. What the hell?! So dad ate his ice block with a fork, he said he doesn't like holding it from the stick: and me and my bro Johan are eating ice blocks the normal way, next thing I decide to copy dad and do the same to try it out.
Wow it really is better than eating with the paddle pop stick, you should try it! When we were basically finished our ice blocks to finish it off I was laughing silly cause when I sang "My bums a stereo, it farts for you so sniff in close" Dad said "It can't be a stereo it's only got one speaker it must be a mono cause it only has one bumcrack not two.Johan said me and dad were weird but majority rules yo was the odd one out.

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