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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Camp the Aftermath

Camp was soooooooooooooooo awesome,I think underwater world was the best there were tons of different sea creatures and we didn't have too do a stupid workbook about it,there was a seal show and a awesome tunnel where the sharks swim above us and we even got to do a night walk and see all the nocturnal animals and see the sharks hunt, its just a shame we had too sleep on the hard floor listening too the water running all night with no hope of getting asleep so you guessed it I had the worst sleep ever!

At Australia zoo we saw a red panda and it was like a cute awesome skillful ninja
cause it was asleep on the thinnest branch of a really tall tree
Unfortunately I didn't get a picture because I didn't bring a camera but someone in my group
must of.This is the best est picture I could find on the Internet but its not the same

When I was there the branch it was sleeping on was right above a big hard log,
me and Kynan thought that the branch would break and the red panda would drop crush its nuts on the log,but it didn't drop nor crush its nuts so I said it was a ninja.

At Caboolture historical museum(where we went first) was cool too and it was really exciting but we had to walk around alot.

All and all I had a good time and I came home with too bags of gems, a bullet case,a piece of string, too workbooks and some paper money.

PS: Sorry I didn't get too post this as soon as I got back yesterday

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