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Saturday, June 30, 2012

Why I'm Missing School This Holidays

I don't know why.
I'm kinda missing all the gossip going around... :3
And the holidays is that annoying time where we don't get the full info.
But I've been having tonnes of fun! I went to Movie World and Sea World with my friend Aaron, it was awesome.
Because my house flooded and I'm moving, for the first week of the holidays I've been staying at this epic holiday home with a pool, 2 TVs, and an awesome loft in the roof that's my room. It's also right next to the beach! :D
I wish I knew how to ice skate, I've just been invited to a ice skating party and I'm afraid I might lose my fingers! D:
I got some stuff from Movie World, like this guy Sylvester:
And my cousin Danica, whose been staying with us got this guy, Snoopy:
It's meant to be like baby Daffy Duck or something, but we named it Snoop Duck, Snoopy for short.

We also went to go see some movies.
I saw Brave, which was really funny and a well done movie
and I saw Ice Age 4: Continental Drift, we are famagees! :D

It has been a great holidays so far but I just can't wait to get back to school! 

~C'ya, Glammertsma.

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